Infectious diseases diagnostics in Chelonians : Training Workshop

Description of the course :
Mahaliana Labs and the Saint Louis Zoo Institute for Conservation Medicine are organizing a training workshop on
molecular diagnostics of chelonians' diseases.
This workshop will consist of lectures, research presentations, and hands-on practices on molecular laboratory techniques to diagnose infectious diseases affecting tortoises.
The participants will learn pipetting skills, will extract DNA from biological samples, and will run Polymerase chain reactions (PCR). They will gain both theoretical knowledge and practical skills in molecular biology techniques.
Students who are already actively involved in research related to these topics are encouraged to participate.
See below for eligibility.
The course is free to attend.
The course will be taught in English but instructors will be available to further explain in Malagasy and/or French when needed.
Mahaliana Labs (Amboditsiry), Antananarivo
December 5-8, 2022
Eligibility and criteria:
University students, graduate students (L3, M1, M2, doctoral students)
Recent graduates in the fields of biology, ecology, epidemiology, or veterinary medicine
Note that prior research with molecular methods is not required